watch video here The Hymnlets Miming Performance- Tassia School This performance was presented at the Gems Cambridge International School's Dance Festival on 24th of May 2019 Gepostet von Tassia School am Montag, 27. Mai 2019

Funny rat story
A rat swallowed a diamond and the owner of the diamond contracted a man to kill the rat. When the rat hunter arrived to kill the rat there were more than a thousand rats bunched up and one sitting by …

10 Lessons One Can Learn From The Hen
1.Good planning: She first lays enough eggs before sitting on them. 2. Discipline: When she starts sitting on her eggs, she minimizes movements. 3. Sacrifice and self-denial: She physically loses weight while sitting on her eggs due to decreased feeding. 4. In-discrimination and …

Don’t Overdo Don’t take yourself seriously. No else does. Don’t waste your precious energy on gossip. Dream more while you are awake. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need. Forget issues of the past. Life …

The Power of the Pen
Very small but leads you everywhere Once you hold it with care It will never let you down But leads you wherever you want It’s nib is small and niddle-like But more powerful than a sword Become ambitious and let …